Hi All
Having a few issues installing Mac El Cap on a computer (specs listened below). Done all the Uni-Beast stuff, copied files etc, clover opens via bootable USB but Mac loading screen doesn't complete. (Don't know why). So the computer boots to the USB, then goes to Clover then we boot into the external disk (with the apple logo below) then it shows the apple logo and the loading bar but the bar doesn't move then the computer restarts after a few minutes.
Please help!
Tech Specs:...
No boot Hackintosh (El Cap) SPECS LISTED
Having a few issues installing Mac El Cap on a computer (specs listened below). Done all the Uni-Beast stuff, copied files etc, clover opens via bootable USB but Mac loading screen doesn't complete. (Don't know why). So the computer boots to the USB, then goes to Clover then we boot into the external disk (with the apple logo below) then it shows the apple logo and the loading bar but the bar doesn't move then the computer restarts after a few minutes.
Please help!
Tech Specs:...
No boot Hackintosh (El Cap) SPECS LISTED