I wanted to share how I was able to get my Z77 system (Gigabyte GA‑Z77X‑UP5 TH motherboard) to successfully boot off of a Samsung 950 Pro NVMe SSD using a PCI Express adapter. I know there are several others using this same motherboard for their builds, so hopefully someone will find this information useful. The BIOS on this board doesn't have built-in support for NVMe devices, but I was able to use the AMI MMtool to extract the NVMe modules from a Z97 BIOS (GA-Z97X-UD7 TH) and insert them...
[SUCCESS] Booting 950 Pro NVMe on GA‑Z77X‑UP5 TH
[SUCCESS] Booting 950 Pro NVMe on GA‑Z77X‑UP5 TH