This thread is intended for users of VoodooI2C to get support for using the kext on their system.
What is VoodooI2C?
VoodooI2C is a project consisting of macOS kernel extensions that add support for I2C bus devices. The project is split into two main components: the core extension and various other satellite extensions.
The Core
The core is the VoodooI2C.kext kernel extension. This kext is intended to be installed by anyone whose computer...
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What is VoodooI2C?
VoodooI2C is a project consisting of macOS kernel extensions that add support for I2C bus devices. The project is split into two main components: the core extension and various other satellite extensions.
The Core
The core is the VoodooI2C.kext kernel extension. This kext is intended to be installed by anyone whose computer...
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