Just did an install of OSX Sierra on my Mac Pro - 3,1. Using my old card (8800GT) the OSX works fine. I recently purchased an XFX 460, 4gb. I have read that this was plug and play with the recent changes to Sierra. However, now when I use the 460 it's not sending a signal to my monitor (I've tried an HP DVI monitor & HDMI monitor). The system chimes, appears to boot, but no boot screen or signal. I have tried using the 6-pin connector and not using the 6 pin connector. Nothing either...
Newbie: Mac Pro 3,1 - Sierra 10.12.1, and XFX Radeon 460 - 4gb
Newbie: Mac Pro 3,1 - Sierra 10.12.1, and XFX Radeon 460 - 4gb