Hey guys! Ive had Some success getting Mavericks Running on my new Chromebook. I read a lot of stuff about this laptop, as well as its Celeron Brother, in a few other theads, and I thought I would lay out what I have working:
Latest Uni-Beast --> Laptop Support --> "-x -v" (safe mode) --> Installed (Trackpad not working, KB working)
(NOTE: I installed to an external USB Hard Drive for testing purposes)
First Boot:
"-x -v"
Bare Bones: FakeSMC, Default boot options...
Acer C720 i3 Chromebook Continued Work (SUCESS-ish)
Latest Uni-Beast --> Laptop Support --> "-x -v" (safe mode) --> Installed (Trackpad not working, KB working)
(NOTE: I installed to an external USB Hard Drive for testing purposes)
First Boot:
"-x -v"
Bare Bones: FakeSMC, Default boot options...
Acer C720 i3 Chromebook Continued Work (SUCESS-ish)