OK, I'm having issues with HD530 on my new laptop. It boots up with the HD530 qe/ci working with 1536MB, but my issues are with artifacts on the left side of the menu bar and HDMI out not working properly. WHAT IS WEIRD is that, occasionally like 1 in 10 boot ups, it boots up perfectly fine with no graphics artifacts and HDMI is working! At the moment, it is useable
I'm using FakePCIID_Intel_SKL_Graphics.kext (as produced by Doix I believe), and it generally works with FakePCIID 0x191b8086,...
Skylake HD530 problems
I'm using FakePCIID_Intel_SKL_Graphics.kext (as produced by Doix I believe), and it generally works with FakePCIID 0x191b8086,...
Skylake HD530 problems