Hello Mr @RehabMan
I wonder if I can help, I have a lenovo thinkpad e440 (specifications of this are in my profile), where i install OS X El Capitan, guiding me by your guide [Guide] Booting the OS X Installers on LAPTOPS with Clover, but I do not know what else to do with DSDT patch, I'm really new at this, if you could tell...
Lenovo ThinkPad E440- El Capitan (Clover)
I wonder if I can help, I have a lenovo thinkpad e440 (specifications of this are in my profile), where i install OS X El Capitan, guiding me by your guide [Guide] Booting the OS X Installers on LAPTOPS with Clover, but I do not know what else to do with DSDT patch, I'm really new at this, if you could tell...
Lenovo ThinkPad E440- El Capitan (Clover)