Im trying to install OS X on my skylake build;
Asus Z170i Pro gaming
I got the system up and running with no problems, but then tried to do the post installation with multibeast. I've followed this guide http://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/quick-multibeast-setup-for-skylake-systems-10-11-4.192295/, but after a restart there were some graphical glitches and the resolution of the screen was all wrong.
As it worked before I installed the HD 530 driver from...
Problems with HD 530 multibeast
Im trying to install OS X on my skylake build;
Asus Z170i Pro gaming
I got the system up and running with no problems, but then tried to do the post installation with multibeast. I've followed this guide http://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/quick-multibeast-setup-for-skylake-systems-10-11-4.192295/, but after a restart there were some graphical glitches and the resolution of the screen was all wrong.
As it worked before I installed the HD 530 driver from...
Problems with HD 530 multibeast